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Install Flash on Windows
Adobe Flash is now "End of Life"
As of December 31, 2020, Adobe has stopped supporting Flash Player. It's no longer possible to download it from Adobe's website and Adobe won't be releasing any new versions or security fixes for it.
Additionally, as of January 12, 2021, even if you have Flash Player already installed, it won't run Flash files any more, thus rendering it completely "End of Life".
Read more about the end of Flash
This guide will guide you through the process of downloading and installing Adobe Flash on Microsoft Windows.
Please note: the version numbers shown in these screenshots reflect the latest version at the time these guides were made; in time these version numbers will become out of date; so please don't get confused by this!
Visit Adobe's site and download the installer
To install Flash you must first download the installer program from Adobe.
Visit Adobe's "Get Flash" page:
Adobe have started bundling third-party software with Flash, including things like Anti-virus, Browser Toolsbars and web browsers. As a general principle, we think it's never a good idea to install software which comes bundled with the software you're actually after. If you really require these extra programs; you should go and download & install them directly from their manufacturer's websites.
We recommend you
read the "
Optional offer
" area closely
and carefully choose what you decide to download, otherwise you may end up downloading unwanted software which can slow your computer down or cause problems.
You can click the checkbox/s to unselect the bundled software.
Once you have done that, click the "
Install now
". This will tell your web browser to download the installer program.
Depending on your computer's configuration, you may be prompted to download the installer (alternatively it may just automatically start downloading the file and place it in your Downloads folder).
If you do get prompted, click "
Save File
" and save the downloader program to your computer.
Run the installer
Once the download has completed, open your Downloads folder and find the installer file.
Ensure that it is actually the same file you just downloaded from Adobe. Double click it to run the installer.
Depending on your Windows Security Settings, you may be prompted by Windows asking you if you really intended to run the installer program.
Read the prompt carefully; ensure that the publisher's name is
Adobe Systems Incorporated
. If it is, click the "
" button.
Again, depending on your Windows Security Settings, you may be prompted to allow the Adobe Flash Installer to modify files on your computer. This is an important safeguard to make sure you really want to let software you've downloaded from the internet make changes to your computer. Again, please make sure this is the correct installer file and then when you're satisfied that it is, click the "
" button.
Allow Flash to check for updates
Adobe Flash is able to regularly check with Adobe if there is a newer version of Flash available to download.
Flash has been found to be vulnerable to a number of serious security problems, so now more than ever it is a good idea to let Flash check for updates.
Be aware that this means Flash will occasionally connect to Adobe's servers to see if there is a new version.
Either of the first two options presented is fine. The first one ("
Allow Adobe to install updates
") means that any newer versions of Flash will
automatically download and install themselves
Some users may be a bit hesitant about letting software automatically download new versions and install themselves, so they may instead choose "
Notify me to install updates
". In this case, Flash Player will still check for updates to itself so that you still are aware that there is a new version, but it won't automatically install the updates; you will be prompted to easily download and install it with your consent.
Click "
" to run the installation process.
The installer will now download Flash
You have now made your choices about what to install and how it is configured; the Flash installer program will now connect to Adobe and download & install Flash.
Depending on your internet speed, this make take a few minutes.
When the download and installation has finished, you are prompted to "
" and close the installer.
Flash is now installed
Congratulations, you have now installed Adobe Flash.
Remember to always keep Flash up to date to help keep yourself safe and secure online.
You can always
check if Flash is up to date
by visiting the homepage.
Looking for guides to install Flash on other operating systems?
Here are some guides for other platforms like OS X.