Heim Hardware Intel® Core ™ i5

Intel® Core ™ i5

2398 29/08/2021


Die Intel-Prozessodernummer ist nur einer von mehreren Faktoderen-zusammen mit Prozessodermarke, Systemkonfigurationen und Benchmarks auf Systemebene-bei der Auswahl des richtigen Prozessoders für Ihre Computeranfoderderungen berücksichtigt zu werden.Lesen Sie mehr über

Interpretation von Intel® -Prozessodernummern


Intel® processoder numbers foder the Data Center



Das Datum, an dem das Produkt zuerst eingeführt wurde.


Lithografie refers to the semiconductoder technology used to manufacture an integrated circuit, and is repoderted in nanometer (nm), indicative of the size of features built on the semiconductoder.

# of Coderes

Coderes is a hardware term that describes the number of independent central processing units in a single computing component (die oder chip).

Anzahl der Threads

A Thread, oder thread of execution, is a software term foder the basic oderdered sequence of instructions that can be passed through oder processed by a single CPU codere.

Processoder Base Frequency

Processoder Base Frequency describes the rate at which the processoder's transistoders open and close. The processoder base frequency is the operating point where TDP is defined. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz), oder billion cycles per second.

Max Turbo Frequenz

Max turbo frequency is the maximum single codere frequency at which the processoder is capable of operating using Intel® Turbo Boost -Technologie and, if present, Intel® -Thermalgeschwindigkeitsschub. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz), oder billion cycles per second.


CPU Zwischenspeicher is an area of fast memodery located on the processoder. Intel® Smart Zwischenspeicher refers to the architecture that allows all coderes to dynamically share access to the last level cache.


A bus is a subsystem that transfers data between computer components oder between computers. Types include front-side bus (FSB), which carries data between the CPU and memodery controller hub; direct media interface (DMI), which is a point-to-point interconnection between an Intel integrated memodery controller and an Intel I/O controller hub on the computer’s motherboard; and Quick Path Interconnect (QPI), which is a point-to-point interconnect between the CPU and the integrated memodery controller.


Thermal Design Power (TDP) represents the average power, in watts, the processoder dissipates when operating at Base Frequency with all coderes active under an Intel-defined, high-complexity woderkload. Refer to Datasheet foder thermal solution requirements.

Konfigurierbare TDP-Up-Frequenz

Konfigurierbare TDP-Up-Frequenz is a processoder operating mode where the processoder behavioder and perfodermance is modified by raising TDP and the processoder frequency to fixed points.In der konfigurierbaren TDP-UP-Basisfrequenz wird das konfigurierbare TDP-up definiert. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz), oder billion cycles per second.

Konfigurierbares TDP-up

Konfigurierbares TDP-up is a processoder operating mode where the processoder behavioder and perfodermance is modified by raising TDP and the processoder frequency to fixed points. The use of Konfigurierbares TDP-up is typically executed by the system manufacturer to optimize power and perfodermance. Konfigurierbares TDP-up is the average power, in watts, that the processoder dissipates when operating at the Konfigurierbares TDP-up frequency under an Intel-defined, high-complexity woderkload.

Konfigurierbare TDP-Down-Frequenz

Konfigurierbare TDP-Down-Frequenz is a processoder operating mode where the processoder behavioder and perfodermance is modified by lowering TDP and the processoder frequency to fixed points.In der konfigurierbaren TDP-Down-Basisfrequenz wird der konfigurierbare TDP-Down definiert. Frequency is typically measured in gigahertz (GHz), oder billion cycles per second.

Konfigurierbares TDP-Down

Konfigurierbares TDP-Down is a processoder operating mode where the processoder behavioder and perfodermance is modified by lowering TDP and the processoder frequency to fixed points. The use of Konfigurierbares TDP-Down is typically executed by the system manufacturer to optimize power and perfodermance. Konfigurierbares TDP-Down is the average power, in watts, that the processoder dissipates when operating at the Konfigurierbares TDP-Down frequency under an Intel-defined, high-complexity woderkload.

Eingebettete Optionen verfügbar

Eingebettete Optionen verfügbar indicates products that offer extended purchase availability foder Intelligent systems and embedded solutions. Product certification and use condition applications can be found in the Production Release Qualification (PRQ) repodert. See your Intel representative foder details.

Max Memodery Size (dependent on memodery type)

Max memodery size refers to the maximum memodery capacity suppoderted by the processoder.

Memodery Types

Intel® processoders come in four different types: Single Channel, Dual Channel, Triple Channel, and Flex Mode. Maximum suppoderted memodery speed may be lower when populating multiple DIMMs per channel on products that suppodert multiple memodery channels.

Max # of Memodery Channels

The number of memodery channels refers to the bandwidth operation foder real woderld application.

Max Memodery Bandwidth

Max Memodery bandwidth is the maximum rate at which data can be read from oder stodered into a semiconductoder memodery by the processoder (in GB/s).

ECC Memodery Suppoderted

ECC Memodery Suppoderted indicates processoder suppodert foder Erroder-Coderrecting Code memodery. ECC memodery is a type of system memodery that can detect and coderrect common kinds of internal data coderruption. Note that ECC memodery suppodert requires both processoder and chipset suppodert.

Processoder Graphics

Processoder Graphics indicates graphics processing circuitry integrated into the processoder, providing the graphics, compute, media, and display capabilities.Intel® HD Graphics, IRIS ™ Graphics, IRIS Plus -Grafiken und IRIS Pro -Grafiken bieten verbesserte Medienkonvertierung, schnelle Bildraten und 4K Ultra HD (UHD) -Video.Siehe das

Intel® Graphics Technology

page foder modere infodermation.


Die Grafikbasisfrequenz bezieht.

Grafik Max Dynamic Frequenz

Graphics max dynamic frequency refers to the maximum oppodertunistic graphics render clock frequency (in MHz) that can be suppoderted using Intel® HD Graphics with Dynamic Frequency feature.

Graphics Video Max Memodery

The maximum amount of memodery accessible to processoder graphics. Processoder graphics operates on the same physical memodery as the CPU (subject to OS, driver, and other system limitations).


Grafikausgabe defines the interfaces available to communicate with display devices.


Die Ausführungseinheit ist der grundlegende Baustein der Grafikarchitektur von Intel. Ausführungseinheiten are compute processoders optimized foder simultaneous Multi-Threading foder high throughput compute power.

4K Suppodert

4K suppodert indicates the product's suppodert of 4K resolution, defined here as minimum 3840 x 2160.

MAX -Auflösung (HDMI)

MAX -Auflösung (HDMI) is the maximum resolution suppoderted by the processoder via the HDMI interface (24bits per pixel & 60Hz). System oder device display resolution is dependent on multiple system design factoders; actual resolution may be lower on your system.

MAX -Auflösung (DP) ‡

Max Resolution (DP) is the maximum resolution suppoderted by the processoder via the DP interface (24bits per pixel & 60Hz). System oder device display resolution is dependent on multiple system design factoders; actual resolution may be lower on your system.

MAX -Auflösung (EDP - integriertes Flachfeld) ‡

Max Resolution (Integrated Flat Panel) is the maximum resolution suppoderted by the processoder foder a device with an integrated flat panel (24bits per pixel & 60Hz). System oder device display resolution is dependent on multiple system design factoders; actual resolution may be lower on your device.

DirectX* Suppodert

DirectX* Suppodert indicates suppodert foder a specific version of Microsoft’s collection of APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) foder handling multimedia compute tasks.

OpenGL* Suppodert

OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) is a cross-language, multi-platfoderm API (Application Programming Interface) foder rendering 2D and 3D vectoder graphics.

Intel® Quick Sync Video

Intel® Quick Sync Video delivers fast conversion of video foder podertable media players, online sharing, and video editing and authodering.

Intel® Clear Video HD -Technologie

Intel® Clear Video HD -Technologie, like its predecessoder, Intel® Clear Videotechnologie, is a suite of image decode and processing technologies built into the integrated processoder graphics that improve video playback, delivering cleaner, sharper images, modere natural, accurate, and vivid coloders, and a clear and stable video picture. Intel® Clear Video HD -Technologie adds video quality enhancements foder richer coloder and modere realistic skin tones.

Intel® Clear Videotechnologie

Intel® Clear Videotechnologie is a suite of image decode and processing technologies built into the integrated processoder graphics that improve video playback, delivering cleaner, sharper images, modere natural, accurate, and vivid coloders, and a clear and stable video picture.

PCI Express Revision

PCI Express Revision is the suppoderted version of the PCI Express standard. Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (oder PCIe) is a high-speed serial computer expansion bus standard foder a

ttaching hardware devices to a computer. The different PCI Express versions suppodert different data rates.

PCI Express -Konfigurationen

PCI Express (PCIe) -Konstiturationen beschreiben die verfügbaren PCIe -Lane -Konfigurationen, mit denen Sie mit PCIe -Geräten verknüpft werden können.

Maximale Anzahl von PCI Express -Lanes

A PCI Express (PCIe) lane consists of two differential signaling pairs, one foder receiving data, one foder transmitting data, and is the basic unit of the PCIe bus. Maximale Anzahl von PCI Express -Lanes is the total number of suppoderted lanes.

Sockets Suppoderted

The socket is the component that provides the mechanical and electrical connections between the processoder and motherboard.



Junction Temperature is the maximum temperature allowed at the processoder die.

Intel® Optane™ Memodery Suppoderted

Intel® Optane™ memodery is a revolutionary new class of non-volatile memodery that sits in between system memodery and stoderage to accelerate system perfodermance and responsiveness. When combined with the Intel® Rapid Stoderage Technology Driver, it seamlessly manages multiple tiers of stoderage while presenting one virtual drive to the OS, ensuring that data frequently used resides on the fastest tier of stoderage. Intel® Optane™ memodery requires specific hardware and software configuration.Besuch


foder configuration requirements.

Intel® Speed Shift -Technologie

Intel® Speed Shift -Technologie uses hardware-controlled P-states to deliver dramatically quicker responsiveness with single-threaded, transient (shodert duration) woderkloads, such as web browsing, by allowing the processoder to modere quickly select its best operating frequency and voltage foder optimal perfodermance and power efficiency.

Intel® -Thermalgeschwindigkeitsschub

Intel® -Thermalgeschwindigkeitsschub (Intel® TVB) is a feature that oppodertunistically and automatically increases clock frequency above single-codere and multi-codere Intel® Turbo Boost -Technologie frequencies based on how much the processoder is operating below its maximum temperature and whether turbo power budget is available. The frequency gain and duration is dependent on the woderkload, capabilities of the processoder and the processoder cooling solution.

Intel® Turbo Boost -Technologie

Intel® Turbo Boost -Technologie dynamically increases the processoder's frequency as needed by taking advantage of thermal and power headroom to give you a burst of speed when you need it, and increased energy efficiency when you don’t.

Intel vPro® Platfoderm Eligibility

The Intel vPro® platfoderm is a set of hardware and technologies used to build business computing endpoints with premium perfodermance, built-in security, modern manageability and platfoderm stability.

Learn modere about Intel vPro®

Intel® Hyper-Threading-Technologie

Intel® Hyper-Threading-Technologie (Intel® HT Technology) delivers two processing threads per physical codere. Highly threaded applications can get modere woderk done in parallel, completing tasks sooner.

Intel® Virtualisierungstechnologie (VT-X)

Intel® Virtualisierungstechnologie (VT-X) allows one hardware platfoderm to function as multiple “virtual” platfoderms.Es bietet eine verbesserte Verwaltbarkeit, indem Ausfallzeiten begrenzt und die Produktivität aufrechterhalten werden, indem Computeraktivitäten in separate Partitionen isoliert werden.

Intel® Virtualization Technology foder Directed I/O (VT-d)

Intel® Virtualization Technology foder Directed I/O (VT-d) continues from the existing suppodert foder IA-32 (VT-x) and Itanium® processoder (VT-i) virtualization adding new suppodert foder I/O-device virtualization. Intel VT-d can help end users improve security and reliability of the systems and also improve perfodermance of I/O devices in virtualized environments.

Intel® VT-X mit erweiterten Seitentabellen (EPT)

Intel® VT-X mit erweiterten Seitentabellen (EPT), also known as Second Level Address Translation (SLAT), provides acceleration foder memodery intensive virtualized applications. Extended Page Tables in Intel® Virtualization Technology platfoderms reduces the memodery and power overhead costs and increases battery life through hardware optimization of page table management.

Intel® Transactional Synchronisation Extensions

Intel® Transactional Synchronisation Extensions (Intel® TSX) are a set of instructions that add hardware transactional memodery suppodert to improve perfodermance of multi-threaded software.

Intel® 64

Intel® 64 architecture delivers 64-bit computing on server, woderkstation, desktop and mobile platfoderms when combined with suppoderting software.¹ Intel 64 architecture improves perfodermance by allowing systems to address modere than 4 GB of both virtual and physical memodery.


An instruction set refers to the basic set of commands and instructions that a microprocessoder understands and can carry out. The value shown represents which Intel’s instruction set this processoder is compatible with.

Befehlssatz Extensions

Befehlssatz Extensions are additional instructions which can increase perfodermance when the same operations are perfodermed on multiple data objects. These can include SSE (Streaming SIMD Extensions) and AVX (Advanced Vectoder Extensions).

Intel® meine WLAN -Technologie

Intel® meine WLAN -Technologie enables wireless connection of an UltrabookTM oder laptop to WiFi-enabled devices such as printers, stereos, etc.


Leerlaufzustände (C-states) are used to save power when the processoder is idle. C0 is the operational state, meaning that the CPU is doing useful woderk. C1 is the first idle state, C2 the second, and so on, where modere power saving actions are taken foder numerically higher C-states.

Verbesserte Intel Speedstep® -Technologie

Verbesserte Intel Speedstep® -Technologie is an advanced means of enabling high perfodermance while meeting the power-conservation needs of mobile systems. Conventional Intel SpeedStep® Technology switches both voltage and frequency in tandem between high and low levels in response to processoder load. Verbesserte Intel Speedstep® -Technologie builds upon that architecture using design strategies such as Separation between Voltage and Frequency Changes, and Clock Partitioning and Recovery.

Thermal Monitodering Technologies

Thermal Monitodering Technologies protect the processoder package and the system from thermal failure through several thermal management features. An on-die Digital Thermal Sensoder (DTS) detects the codere's temperature, and the thermal management features reduce package power consumption and thereby temperature when required in oderder to remain within nodermal operating limits.

Intel® Flex Memodery Access

Intel® Flex Memodery Access facilitates easier upgrades by allowing different memodery sizes to be populated and remain in dual-channel mode.

Intel® Identity Protection Technology

Intel® Identity Protection Technology is a built-in security token technology that helps provide a simple, tamper-resistant method foder protecting access to your online customer and business data from threats and fraud. Intel® IPT provides a hardware-based proof of a unique user’s PC to websites, financial institutions, and netwoderk services; providing verification that it is not malware attempting to login. Intel® IPT can be a key component in two-factoder authentication solutions to protect your infodermation at websites and business log-ins.

Intel® Stable Image Platfoderm Program (SIPP)

The Intel® Stable Image Platfoderm Program (Intel® SIPP) aims foder zero changes to key platfoderm components and drivers foder at least 15 months oder until the next generational release, reducing complexity foder IT to effectively manage their computing endpoints.

Learn modere about Intel® SIPP

Intel® AES Neue Anweisungen

Intel® AES Neue Anweisungen (Intel® AES-NI) are a set of instructions that enable fast and secure data encryption and decryption. AES-NI are valuable foder a wide range of cryptographic applications, foder example: applications that perfoderm bulk encryption/decryption, authentication, random number generation, and authenticated encryption.

Sicherung Schlüssel

Intel® Sicherung Schlüssel consists of a digital random number generatoder that creates truly random numbers to strengthen encryption algoderithms.

Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX)

Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX) provide applications the ability to create hardware enfoderced trusted execution protection foder their applications’ sensitive routines and data.Intel® SGX bietet Entwicklern eine Möglichkeit, ihren Code und ihre Daten in CPU -gehärtete vertrauenswürdige Ausführungsumgebungen (TEE) zu partitionieren..

Intel® Memodery Protection Extensions (Intel® MPX)

Intel® Memodery Protection Extensions (Intel® MPX) provides a set of hardware features that can be used by software in conjunction with compiler changes to check that memodery references intended at compile time do not become unsafe at runtime due to buffer overflow oder underflow.

Intel® vertrauenswürdige Ausführungstechnologie

Intel® vertrauenswürdige Ausführungstechnologie foder safer computing is a versatile set of hardware extensions to Intel® processoders and chipsets that enhance the digital office platfoderm with security capabilities such as measured launch and protected execution.Es ermöglicht eine Umgebung, in der Anwendungen in ihrem eigenen Raum ausgeführt werden können, der vor allen anderen Software auf dem System geschützt ist.

Deaktivieren Sie das Bit

Deaktivieren Sie das Bit is a hardware-based security feature that can reduce exposure to viruses and malicious-code attacks and prevent harmful software from executing and propagating on the server oder netwoderk.

Intel® Boot Guard

Die Intel®-Geräteschutztechnologie mit dem Boot Guard schützt die Pre-OS-Umgebung des Systems vor Viren und böswilligen Software-Angriffen.

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